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Sarajevo: so much more than bombs and bullets

Sarajevo: so much more than bombs and bullets

Of all the places we were due to visit on our trip to the Balkans, I was most excited at the prospect of finally visiting Sarajevo. Famous for the events that triggered the start of the First World War, for Torvill and Dean (especially in my home city of Nottingham) and for the horrific siege [...]

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Sarajevo, Mostar and the legacy of the Bosnian war

Sarajevo, Mostar and the legacy of the Bosnian war

At first glance the cemetery in Mostar looked like any other. Nestled alongside a mosque and on the main road heading out of town, this quiet corner of the old city would be unremarkable if I hadn’t looked a little closer. As I started to wander among these tall white stones the enormity of the [...]

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