Collection of Japanese signs

We’re just back from a couple of very enjoyable weeks in Japan and I’ll post several stories from our trip on here in the coming weeks. For now I thought I’d quickly share some of the funny Japanese signs and strange English translations we encountered on our way around the country.

I should stress that the fact that signs are in English at all is a great help, especially in a country with so few English speakers and still a largely domestic tourist market. And the translations, funny as they are, do ensure that the signs get more attention than they would otherwise receive. Perhaps it’s all part of a very clever plan…

Vigorously a good sign

Vigorously a good sign

Cow cross a street - this street in particular

Cow cross a street – this street in particular

Nobody likes a crowed room

Nobody likes a crowed room


Google Translate at its finest?

I decided I probably shouldn't have been there

I decided I probably shouldn’t have been there

No entry for big-footed people - again, I decided I shouldn't have been there

No entry for big-footed people – again, I decided I shouldn’t have been there

No gender stereotyping here - none at all

No gender stereotyping here – none at all

Logic you can't argue with

Logic you can’t argue with

Danger - do not hold giant  mobile phones near the railway tracks.

Danger – do not hold giant mobile phones near the railway tracks.

The whole of northern Japan was a Play with Snow area

The whole of northern Japan was a Play with Snow area

Given the size of the icicles, the exclamation marks are fully justified

Given the size of the icicles, the exclamation marks are fully justified

Author Information

Freelance travel writer

One Response to “Collection of Japanese signs”

  1. I just love sign when traveling. I post pics of them all the time. This is a great collection, especially with the English translations…fantastic!

    March 14, 2014 at 9:45 pm