The cardboard zoo: a glimpse of the future?


Disturbing wolf, Lille Zoo

Imagine coming face to face with this creature? I was calmly munching on my baguette when I turned round and caught sight of this monster lurking in the bushes. Well, I was so shocked I almost dropped my delicious snack. When you’re in France for a day trip you should be prepared for almost anything. But this? Welcome to the eerie, slightly unnerving and utterly splendid cardboard zoo of Lille.

Le Parc Zoologique de Lille is a very impressive municipal zoo and easily reached by a 15 minute walk from the city’s main square. It does have some real animals too; in fact I’ve paid to enter zoos that are considerably smaller. The red pandas at the entrance are a crowd pleaser, and the American and African sections provide a selection of alpacas, llamas, rhino, zebras and gazelle-shaped creatures (not all mixed together obviously).


Levitating lynx

But it’s the cardboard animals that caught our imagination. They are scattered around the park, sometimes occupying enclosures where you’d normally expect a living and breathing animal to be pacing around. It’s startlingly easy to follow the logic of the zoo owners. They sat down when designing a zoo and decided what animals they wanted. Maybe they even let a bunch of kids draw up the list. And then they set about acquiring those animals. Any that they couldn’t get their hands on (the polar bears must have been  out of stock), they merely created a cut out and hoped no-one would notice. A brilliant plan.

Look at the picture above for example. The lynx looks real enough, but if you look closely you’ll see the wooden sticks that betray him as a fake. And once you know about this one, you start to wonder about the zebra behind it (it’s real I can assure you).

Red panda

Red panda - this time I know it's for real

Wandering around the zoo, stopping to admire the polar bears peeling in the midday sun and looking yellow with age, it did make me think: maybe this is a glimpse of the future? How many of these species will be around in 50 years? Perhaps the zoo of the future will only have cardboard cut-outs to show the curious children what tigers or sharks used to look like? Maybe they will add in CGI and sound effects to create a more ‘real’ feel to a zoo without animals? Although feeding time at the aquarium is going to be a tough one to pull off using a wooden dolphin.

Lille Zoo

Lille Zoo

Or perhaps it is the keeping of animals in captivity that will become a thing of the past as the next generation rejects such habits in favour of virtual interactions with the world’s most exotic species. Why stare at a crocodile on the other side of a fence in the zoo when you can fight one in mortal combat using just a set of goggles? If it turns out to be the future, the Lille zoo may just be remembered as a trail-blazer of its time. Cardboard koalas may yet be here to stay.

Author Information

Freelance travel writer

7 Responses to “The cardboard zoo: a glimpse of the future?”

  1. LOL… What a zoo is that? I hope you didn’t get bitten… Looks like the wild animals weren’t behind fences! ;-)

    August 24, 2010 at 9:39 am
  2. Haha, thanks Melvin! Ferocious looking aren’t they?

    August 24, 2010 at 9:43 am
  3. A cardboard zoo! Lol. Did u see kids around? That’s a cool idea to have no captive animals and have a virtual 3D zoo/safari for the future.

    August 24, 2010 at 6:19 pm
  4. I have such mixed feelings about this. While I hate when animals are in captivity, I love going to zoos. There is nothing like that split moment where you are the animal connect. I love to visit zoos when I go abroad. I’m not sure what I would do if I came across a cardboard cutout lol.

    August 24, 2010 at 11:04 pm
  5. The way it is going these days you maybe right about certain animals like the Tiger for instance. Unless countries like India, Thailand, and Indonesia can somehow prevent the poaching and provide safe habitat for these majestic creatures. If not then we might only get to see them as a cardboard cut out.

    August 25, 2010 at 6:31 pm
  6. How bizarre! That has to be a let-down when you realize that the creature you want to see is actually cardboard. I don’t like seeing animals in captivity, though I know that many zoos rescue and rehabilitate (and protect severely endangered creatures), so I’m not totally opposed in those cases. I just hope zoos don’t resort to having fake animals because we’ve wiped all the real ones out!

    August 25, 2010 at 6:46 pm
  7. Now that is fun!

    September 2, 2010 at 1:12 am