Comments on: Why a Top 10 Friendliest Countries list is nonsense Travel stories that won't change the world Wed, 11 Jun 2014 06:07:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tash Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:45:41 +0000 Great post! Friendliest list!!?? I guess part of the science in such a list would have to include how friendly the writer is, at all times, when they are travelling! Surely a key variable! I mean, no one could possibly be the friendliest traveller, always, so this impact in the environment is very important data….ha!

I think List posts are interesting, from an enjoyment perspective, and sometimes gives you new travel ideas, but again, sample size is a crucial issue here! Unless you have been to EVERY bar in SE Asia, how can you possibly list the best ones!!

By: Tom Stockwell Mon, 13 Feb 2012 16:02:42 +0000 Agree, agree, AGREE! I was in central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania) very recently, so I get what you’re saying when you bring up Slavic countries. Your average person on the street may not appear to be the most welcoming person in the world. However, I used CouchSurfing, and my hosts were nothing short of super friendly and hospitable – they made me feel right at home, and were full of great conversation.

I think there are different expectations in customer service around the world – I found the customer service in central Europe to actually be pretty bad (I found many of the staff to be just downright rude and dismissive). However, in South Korea (where I live), people will go out of their way to help you (and it’s not even a major tourist destination).

You’ve brought up some great points here. Thanks for sharing!

By: Huw Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:07:06 +0000 Good article. This one is definately in my top 10 of favourite blogs!

By: Shiela Acenas Mon, 13 Feb 2012 13:36:49 +0000 Actually my friends went to Seoul recently and they had fun so far. According to them Koreans are friendly too. Well, I love Koreans! #prokoreans 😀

By: Tobias Mon, 21 Nov 2011 12:18:18 +0000 measuring soft values like friendliness is just silly to begin with. But as long as people keep stumbling, likeing and sharing blogs that make these kinds of lists, they will continue to be out there.

Objectively listing subjective values….not possible.

By: Jools Stone Sun, 23 Oct 2011 18:15:10 +0000 So true Andy. Such a subjective/contextual thing isn’t it? It’s become a gratingly prevalent cliche of some travel writing/pr bumpf too. ‘The best thing about [Insert destination name] is the wonderfully warm and generous people.’ etc…

By: Vanessa Fri, 06 May 2011 10:35:50 +0000 Friendly is in the eye of the beholder. You might have just had a long flight, met one rude person in one of these top 10 countries, and have that all-important first impression ruined. Or it might go the opposite way.

Friendliness is so subjective in both interpretation (personal cultural bias being the most influential) and in presentation (depending on so many factors within a culture, gender, race, economic status and so many other things) that boiling it down to a top 10 list appears to me to be almost the opposite of any reason for travel. Would anyone really not go to a place if it didn’t appear on a top 10 friendly places list?

It is an interesting observation you made about the friendliest countries being most accepting of Euro-centric behaviour.

In general, I’m sick of the top advice for bloggers being “make a list”. Personally, I find it goes against the other top rule of any writing genre: “write what you know”. In my profession, I have to do a lot of research & writing – so when I blog, I write a lot (hey, look at this comment as an example). If that puts readers off, so be it. I blog to keep my travel in a central place where anyone can read it if they want. I love seeing the little counters going up, knowing that people are reading what I write, but that isn’t motivation enough for me.

By: Amy Fri, 29 Apr 2011 06:55:37 +0000 I totally agree. Sometimes, how the ‘invader’ acts, looks or thinks changes how the locals treat them. If a sloppy American tourist walks into a class restaurant in France and tried to order a Miller Light, it would not be received well. But I sat in several parks two summers ago in France and while enjoying my picnic, the view and the sun, I constantly had people saying ‘bon appetit’ to me. I found the French very nice (outside of Paris- sorry, Parisians!), but it’s not the case for everyone. It totally depends on how you approach a country. 🙂

By: Travel bloggers that I subscribe to | Traveling Ted TV Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:21:34 +0000 […] and life. His website could also be called 501 interesting viewpoints. My favorite post of his was criticizing some dumb article about countries with the friendliest people. His travel articles are also well worth a look. […]

By: Ted Nelson Thu, 17 Mar 2011 12:32:21 +0000 This is fantastic. I have nothing to add because you so eloquently summed it up and no comment is needed. Great post.
