Comments on: Scruffy posh toffs or luxury backpackers? Why I never quite find the right label Travel stories that won't change the world Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:48:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: nina Thu, 21 Jan 2010 19:08:53 +0000 Beautiful words. I feel the same way — I’m not 100% a backpacker because I don’t mind splurging for the occasional comforts, but I’m not in the flashpacker range either because I *do* mind when the prices get a little high. But yeah, at the end of the day, we’re all tourists ;)

By: Barbara at Hole in the Donut Travels Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:06:22 +0000 Hi Andy, interesting post. I carry a backpack but also have a small 22″ carry on with wheels when I travel for months at a time. I converted from just a large backpack mostly because it is impossible to get on a bus or train with it on your back. There’s just not enough room and I was constantly banging into and aggravating people. I travel independently, usually with only vague plans and no reservations, but I am technology heavy, with laptop, camera, lenses, video, etc. I prefer cheap hostels but every now and then splurge on nicer accommodations – usually when the stress of long term travel (it happens) sets in and I need to take a couple of “down” days. But despite how we travel, there’s really no need for labels. We’re all just citizens of the world.

By: Melanie Haiken Wed, 13 Jan 2010 08:03:56 +0000 Love your blog, and the whole concept of what you’re doing; linked to it in my most recent post:
I appreciate your recent Twitter support too. (I’m @healthy_travel)
Seems like we’re on the same wavelength as they say. Happy travels!

By: TheWorldEffect Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:45:18 +0000 Great article! We often feel somewhere in between too. I agree, the important thing is people getting out there and traveling no matter what style, budget or gadgetry. Thanks for sharing.
